Lawyer Turned Sleuth.
For fifteen years I was a lawyer. I became proficient at helping people through difficult and emotional crises, especially of the family and divorce law variety.
But it was not my passion, and not doing what I love took its toll.
The thing I loved most about the law was researching case law or sorting through a pile of discovery; being eyeball deep in documents and finding that one gem of information that made all the difference to the case.
That’s one of the things I love most about genealogy. I love the detail of it, the stories the documents tell. I don’t just make sure that every fact is supported by a source, I also follow the trail that each crumb of information in a document provides.
What also makes me different is knowing the difference between an executrix, testatrix, and testator (hint: the “
I am tenacious and dogged and if I don’t know how I’ll learn how.
Family history is more than just tallying names and dates on a chart on the wall. Your ancestors’ stories have the power to connect you to your own story and the humanity that connects us all.
Best Regards,
Lorelei Naegle Neuman